You won’t love every stage of parenting, and I don’t think you should!

Let’s be totally honest here… some stages of parenting SUCK!

There are sleepless nights, endless pushback, uneaten meals, unreasonable toddlers, attitudes, testing limits not to mention the how physically draining young children can be – along with meal prep, washing, nappy’s, groceries, house maintenance - ALL WHILE TRYING TO BE A PERSON because hey the world, we live in doesn’t stop once you have a kid. Now more than ever mothers are having and keeping their careers, passions, and interests.


But pull of motherhood and life then paired with an expectation to “Enjoy Every Moment” is a recipe for disaster because it isn’t realistic.

Of course, you LOVE your children and would jump in front of a bus for them but that’s not to say that you love every moment or every phase with them and when we can admit this is tough and be honest with ourselves and the people around us it takes the pressure off trying to hold it all together and soldier on.

Taking the pressure off allow you to look at what you can do to get support to navigate through the crappy times, but these days the village doesn’t always just appear.

Here are 5 things to consider if you are in a rough period of parenting:

1.      MOST IMPORTANT - The rough patches aren’t your fault and your kids aren’t trying to make sure life hard.

2.      What support can you get with your kids – you don’t need to hold it all.

3.      Who can you talk to about how you are feeling – your safe person to hold you!

4.      What do you need to help take some space or time to prioritise you?

5.      Is there an external support available that could help you?

If we can drop the walls of expectations around “loving every moment” in parenting, we not only support ourselves to navigate the tough times but also set the mums to be and future generations up with a realistic expectation that you will always love your children but some parts of parenting are really hard and you don’t have to do it alone.

If you need support or someone to join your village my DM’s are always open, CLICK HERE to slide on in.

I’m here for you mumma,

Lauren x


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