Free Resources

Giving back to you to help you navigate your parenting your journey, thank you for being apart of this village.

What you can access below:

  • 5 Day Sleep Reset

  • Routines Guide 4 Months - 5 Years

  • Blog Posts

  • Product Discounts

5 Day Sleep Reset

This guide is to help you come back from sickness or a rough patch to reset and get your little ones sleep back on track. The 5 day guide will walk you through step by step what you can review in your child’s sleep to support you getting back to sleeping through (or more) at night.

Enter your details to get immediate access to the reset.


Routine Guide 4 Months - 5 Years

Finding a sleep routine that is right for your baby can be challenging with constant changes that happen in the first 3 years of your child’s life.

This guide is to help make that a little easier for you with a average routine for each age bracket. Remember - children are unique individuals and won’t all fit in the averages so you can tweak and tailor to meet your child’s sleep needs and capabilities.


Products I Love

Click the images below to enjoy an exclusive discount on these products.

Sleep Like Goldilocks

The revolutionary combined thermometer, room temperature prediction, sleepwear guide and night light. Taking the guess work of dressing your baby comfortably for the night.


Helping parents maintain flexibility in their routine and support their bub’s need for an optimal sleep environment by providing breathable pram and portacot covers.