Meet Lauren

Your Gentle Sleep & Conscious Parenting Coach

Thank you for being here, it makes me so happy to know you want to explore working together as sleep and gentle, conscious parenting are areas I am so passionate about and so close to my heart but I wanted to share a bit about me.

As the mum to 2 beautiful boys, my parenting journey started in 2016 and I have learned quite a few things and had some big realisation over this time. I’ve come to understand the uniqueness of all children and how becoming a parent makes you a different person, unlocking parts of you never knew existed!

The biggest shift I have experienced isn’t loosing myself in motherhood but finding who I was meant to be and I can honestly say being at the place I am in now is where I was meant to be but it wasn’t an easy realisation.

My second son threw me a total curve ball when he turned out to be totally different to my first son and having a baby that was a very tricky sleeper and toddler on top was a really hard.

Being a parent is the hardest thing we will ever go through and it can bring out the best and worst in us. Then throw some extreme sleep deprivation on and it can be a real s**t show. There becomes this big gap between how we want to parent and how we actually are parenting, well at least there was for me.

I knew there had to be a better way and my journey to be a Sleep Consultant started in 2019 and since then have practiced and refined my approach into a gentle and responsive sleep coach pairing my knowledge of sleep science and connection and attachment to optimise sleep for the whole family.

As my own children and clients were getting older the conversations moved from sleep needs, routines and connection to behaviours, supporting challenging times, boundaries and I knew there was more for me to do to be able to really support families in the transitions from babies and beyond through conscious and gentle parent coaching.

I am a total parenting book nerd, it is pretty much all I read and love understanding new approaches, ways of thinking and challenging the traditional expectations.

I believe that if we can be great in ourselves first we can be great parents too and I love sharing this with my clients and community.

If you want to be the best conscious, gentle and well rested parent you can be, you are in the right place! This is a judgement free zone where we can laugh, cry and have a good chat to help you on your journey to feeling confident and in control of your parenting journey.

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